Chosen career:

Policy Maker


Law & policy

Skills: CollaborativeCommunicativeHard-working
Health law and policy illustration

Policy makers create laws to govern how space is used to keep it safe and sustainable. They give advice and guidance to the government and public companies. International relations are important for this so that countries can collaborate on missions. They also must be able to use the correct language to communicate technical concepts to people who do not work in STEM.


Requires a background in STEM, policy or business. Many have experience in local or national government positions.

Example UK Employers

London Institute of Space Policy and Law

Key Stage 2 Curriculum Links


Writing: Policy makers create laws to govern how space is used to keep it safe and sustainable. They know the correct language to use to communicate technical concepts.

Speaking: Policy makers give advice and guidance to the government and public companies.


History: Policy makers know about the history of space and how situations have been dealt with previously.

Foreign language: It may be useful to know a foreign language in policy making to communicate internationally.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Links


Writing: Policy makers create laws to govern how space is used to keep it safe and sustainable. They know the correct language to use to communicate technical concepts.

Speaking: Policy makers give advice and guidance to the government and public companies.


Citizenship: Policy makers understand how laws are written and are used in the justice system.

History: Policy makers know about the history of space and how situations have been dealt with previously.

Modern foreign language: It may be useful to know a foreign language in policy making to communicate internationally.

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