
Want to know more about the amazing range of careers in space, what career might suit you and how space affects our everyday lives? Check out the I’m a Space Person and UK Space Agency resources below.

White board and calculator
Person working at a computer with books

Download and Do

From Jobs in Space you Didn’t Know Existed to Space Brussel Sprouts, we’ve created a whole host of activities for different age groups to enjoy – suited to both school and home.

There’s space for everyone to get involved…

Space Careers Postcards

The I’m a Space Person careers resources showcase the incredibly diverse range of jobs available in the space sector, linking each to personal qualities young people can relate to.

Based on the latest educational research recommendations, use these postcards, sheets, and guides at home, school, or in your community to support young people to be a space person.


Jobs in Space You Didn't Know Existed

Space isn’t just for astronauts or rocket scientists. There’s a lot more to it.

In this activity you'll learn about some of the jobs in space you didn’t even know existed, and what it takes to create your own place in space.


The Future of Planet Earth is a Job for Outer Space

Not everyone wants to travel into space, or build a rocket... But that’s what space is all about, right?

Not quite! That’s just a small part of the space industry. And the good news is, you don’t have to be interested in that side of things to get involved. In this activity you’ll learn about some of the awesome jobs in space that you can do with your feet planted firmly on the ground.


Satellites and Marine Conservation

It’s time to meet Ali and Alexios, a pair of whale sharks who spend most of their time down under, in Australia.

In this activity you’ll learn all about satellites and how we can use them to protect the people and animals (like our lovely whale sharks) around us.


Who builds satellites?

In this activity you’ll dive into the world of small satellites (also known as CubeSats) – what they’re used for, what they’re made of, how they’re built and who builds them. CubeSats may be small but it takes a mighty effort to build them and get them into space.

Let’s learn about all jobs involved in building and launching CubeSats here in the UK.


Food in Space

Can you grow plants on the Moon?

In this activity you’ll learn what plants need to survive and thrive on planet Earth, and how the conditions vary on the Moon. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to design a greenhouse suitable for growing plants on the Moon. Good luck!


More information

Got a question about the project and resources? Or just want to tell us about your experience using them?

Distant space rock